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Strength Building Workout

This workout is designed for building Strength.

WARM UP: Running on Treadmill - Moderate Intensity - 5 minutes

CIRCUIT 1: Alternating Lateral Step Ups: 40 reps - Only do this once

Sumo Squats: 20 reps - KettleBells (use challenging weight)

Overhead Arm Extension on TRX: 1st set = 20 reps / 2nd set = 15 reps / 3rd set = 10 reps

Tricep Extension: 1st set = 20 reps / 2nd set = 15 reps / 3rd set = 10 reps - Dumbbells (challenging weight)

Row Machine: 1st set = 250 meters / 2nd set = 300 meters / 3rd set = 350 meters Repeat 3 times

CIRCUIT 2: Alternating Lateral Step Ups: 40 reps - Only do this once

Mountain Climbers: 1st set = 40 reps / 2nd set = 30 reps / 3rd set = 20 reps Knee Tucks on Sliders: 1st set = 10 reps / 2nd set = 15 reps / 3rd set = 20 reps Repeat 3 times

CARDIO: Choose your machine of choice: Treadmill / Bike / Elliptical / Row Machine

Separate cardio into three sets

Set 1: 10 minutes - moderate to high intensity - go for distance! (remember total distance number)

Set 2: 15 minutes - Interval between intensity and speed

Interval 1 - Sprint for 1 minute at your highest speed

Interval 2 - Walk for 1 minute at a fast pace with an incline

Continue alternating between intervals until you reach the 15 minutes mark.

Set 3: 5 minutes - high intensity - try to match distance from set 1


Static Stretching

  • Sky Reach - Reach as high as possible

  • Toe Touch - Reach for toes, relax and exhale while reaching

  • Neck Roll - Roll to the sides and forward (don't roll back)

  • Quadriceps - Find your balance, grab your ankle from behind and slightly pull towards you, tilt pelvis forward and keep looking straight ahead.

  • Gastrocnemius - Find a wall; position yourself with your hands against the wall. Keep one leg forward, bent at the knee. The other leg should be straight, going behind you. With the leg behind you, push your heel towards the ground until you feel a stretch in the calf muscle.

  • Piriformis - Lie on your back with both feet flat on the floor and both knees bent. Pull the right knee up to the chest, grasp the knee with the left hand and pull it towards the left shoulder and hold the stretch. Repeat for each side.

Hold each pose for 30 seconds


  • Quadriceps - Lie face down on the floor with your legs straight and a foam roller under your quads. Prop yourself up on your forearms. Slowly roll your quad muscles from the tops of your legs to the tops of your knees.

  • Iliotibial-band - Lie on your right side with your legs straight and a foam roller under your right hip. Place your hands on the floor for support, cross your left leg over your right; place your left foot flat on the floor by your right knee. Use your hands to roll the side of your upper leg over the roller several times.

  • Hamstrings - Sit on the floor with your legs straight and a foam roller under your thighs. Place your hands on the floor on either side of your butt. Lift your butt and use your hands to roll the entire length of your hamstrings.

  • Glute - Sit on a foam roller with your left foot flat on the floor and your right leg crossed over your left thigh. Place your right hand on the floor behind you for support. Tilt your body to your right so that your right glute presses against the roller. Roll forward and backward several times.

Foam-roll each muscle for at least 30 seconds on both sides


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