I am fit! I am healthy! I am strong!
I am healthy in mind, body, and spirit!
My heart beats strong and healthy.
My lungs breathe clear and strong.
I am beautiful and I love my body.
I refuse to be defined by my weight.
I express my gratitude for my good health.
I choose health and wellness over illness.
I treat my body with the respect it deserves.
My contributions to life measure my self-worth.
Food nourishes my body, but I nourish my soul.
I am shedding pounds as I shred my self-doubt.
Day in and day out, I develop the habits of health.
Happiness is an attitude not a number on a scale.
As I commit to my exercise program, I transform my body.
Today I experience vibrant health and profound well-being.
My body is a marvelous machine that supports and meets my every need.
Today I push my limits in the gym so that tomorrow I can push the limits in my life.
Even at the height of my pain, I experience moments of release, contentment, and joy.
I love and accept myself at my current weight, even as I march pound by pound to my goal weight.